Just incase you missed it, above is the video of Bob Costas's halftime rant on how guns are evil. Bob Costas is a giant condescending douche. While you could argue it took balls to take a stance on such a big stage the medium was completely inappropriate. People aren't tuning into Sunday Night Football to hear your hot takes Bob they're watching to see grown men scramble each other's brains. He should be saving shit like this for his show on NBC Sports. Then again, I guess he did something right because instead of talking about the Sunday Night Football game a lot of people are talking about him which is exactly what he wanted.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Jevon Belcher's heinous acts had much more to do with his scrambled brain than it did that he owned a gun. When Chris Benoit went berserk and smothered his wife and kids and hung himself where was the outcry for pillow control? It couldn't have been that Benoit's brains were scrambled it has to be America's terrible pillow culture. Blaming the gun is taking the easy way out. Why try to analyze a person's mental state when you can just blame it on the inanimate object? The NFL is taking all these precautions to limit head injuries but (at least from what I'm aware of) do little to protect/improve players mental-health. There's a really good article on Deadspin in which a friend of Jevon outlines all the things that were off with Belcher mental-health wise. Hindsight might be 20/20 but there's no denying that to some extent his health was being overlooked.