Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Woman Sues Casey Anthony For 3 BILLION Dollars!

Huffington Post:  A Pennsylvania woman filed a$3 billion lawsuit against Casey Anthony, claiming that Anthony threatened to kill her, reports.In the lawsuit, Naomi Riches alleged that Anthony "is an Illuminati actress" who made threats to kill her and who caused her "severe psychological damage." She also claimed that Anthony was "in cahoots" with both TV personality Nancy Grace and the U.S. government. The lawsuit, acquired by and dubbed the "craziest lawsuit ever" by gossip columnist Perez Hilton, reads:
"Casey Anthony and Nancy Grace are working in cahoots with one another to fill the media with propaganda so that American Citizens believe there is Justice in this country…Casey Anthony called my house August 2011 and told me that my life was being exploited and that I was a hated nation wife, she told me she would come to my house in Fort Collins, Colorado and kill me just as they did Peggy Hettrick in 1987. She let me know that my left eye would be stabbed out as a part of the Illuminati symbolism.She told me that the government was going to find a way to tap into my water pipes and poison my water supply. I was terrified to shower and drink water for months. I had to spend $600.00 on bottled water. "

     This whole time I just thought that crazy bitch Casey Anthony just killed her kid and got away with it.  Now it all makes sense.  She didn't just murder her baby, she sacrificed it to Lucifer. Why didn't if figure this out sooner?
     While most conspiracy theories are crazy this one has some extra "what the fuck" sprinkled on top.  A good conspiracy theory will say that the government is trying to brainwash people or lie to them; this one just says Casey Anthony filled the media with propaganda.  Propaganda for what agenda exactly, the kill your kid agenda?  I don't get it. Was she on the stand during her trial lobbying to get healthcare reform passed while simultaneously trashing jews? Also, why does the illumiati need to kill her and stab her eye out in addition to poisoning her water? That doesn't seem very cost effective to me, but then again I guess the illuminati have plenty of money seeing that they run the music industry. I just pray that this woman doesn't have any kids so she can't pass on this crazy to another generation of welfare recipients.

P.S. If you Google Peggy Hettrick you'll see that this woman was murdered and mutilated to the point  the cornier said it had to be done with surgical tools and a high amount of skill.  The state of Colorado went on to convict a fifteen year old of the crime only to exonerate him 10 years later. Only in America...  

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