Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tanton Doss Breaking Up Fights In B-More

Yahoo Sports - Before Thursday night's Ravens/Redskins game, Doss happened to see a fight at a Five Guys restaurant in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. He wasn't having it. Despite the fact that one guy had a knife, Doss intervened and broke up the fight.

Here's the report from Doss himself on Twitter:
Jus had to break up a fight at five guys. Baltimore is too ratchet!!!

I nearly jizzed when i read this article. Tanton Doss from the Ravens breaks up a fight at a Five Guys pizza. For the record ive never been but i heard good things. Anywho, this happened to go down in Baltimore the home of the setting for The Wire. Greatest show off tv right now, i dont know why its so great the characters and the story line just reel me in and i cant stop watching. I banged out all the seasons in about a month or less was addicted, actually thought i was in the show. Caught myself running and screaming "Omars coming! Omars Back" everytime my suitmate would walk dow the street. I wonder what corner this went down on. If it was a Barkdsale coner or Stanfield? RIP BODIE

Das Boot

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