Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Elementary School Teacher Sets Herself On Fire

Belfast Telegraph-"A secondary school maths teacher sprayed herself with a flammable liquid and set herself alight in a playground in southern France at break time, France's education minister said.  The Motive behind the incident was not immediately clear." 

  The motive behind the incident was not immediately clear!? Are French people really that dumb? Seriously I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.  Let me assure you no matter what Ron Burgundy tells you Ms. Human-Torch did not light herself on fire because she was denied a bank loan, she did it because she was sick of her shitty life dealing with slimy kids.
   I'd probably do the same thing on the first day of school if I was an elementary school teacher. Don't get me wrong I don't mind being around little kids; I do however mind being around the same 20 brats for 40 hours a week 10 months out of the year.  Just constantly having to deal with kids not being able to wipe there ass and worrying about Steve picking his nose and flicking his boogers on Sally.  Then you got the kid that smells funny, and on top of it all you gotta try to keep the smart kids entertained while you try to get the kid who can't count to ten up to speed on his multiplication tables.  People wonder why they give teachers tenure, it's so they don't have to worry about losing their job on top of getting your kid to sit still and learn for couple hours a day.    
   The best part of this story is that she did it infront of everyone... kinda like a giant fuck you to her entire class. She didn't wait for everyone to go home, she didn't do it in the parking lot, she did it right in the middle of the playground during recess. The real question these people should be asking is not "why did she set herself on fire?" but "when did she set herself on fire?".  If she did it at the end of recess she probably just hated life, but if she did it during the first half she's a sociopath.  How is the fat kid gonna get motivated to be skinny if you try to off yourself before he can get picked last for kickball? Selfish bitch. 
   I personally had no problem with my second grade teacher, but if I was ever at recess and one of the miserable cunts that worked at my elementary school set themselves on fire it would have been the best recess ever. That has to be one of the best stories you could ever tell your grandkids right?  Like what else could possibly happen to you when you were 7 that you could tell 60 years later and someone would still give a shit? 

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