Monday, April 1, 2013

Can Someone Please Explain The Pray For Ware Movement?

     Talk about a first world problem.  Praying for a guy with a broken leg?  I don't understand all the support this guys is getting.  Dude broke is leg in a freak play.  I'm sure it hurt, but it's not like he was in the middle of the woods or in a battlefield.  Paramedics were headed over to him before he even made it over the bench area.  Sure it looked bad but at the end of the day it's just a broken leg.  The guys not going to lose his leg or his ability to walk so what's the big deal?
     There are literally an infinite number things people could be praying for but today the most pushing issue is that someone most people never head of two weeks ago and will forget about 2 weeks from now broke his leg.  Did I miss the part where we have doctors to heal the bone in stead of the prayers; like if everyone at home had just chanted The Our Father would he have been good to go for the second half?
     Isn't praying reserved for life and death situations that might not have an good outlook? Maybe I'm just an asshole but praying for a dude that broke his leg kinda seems like a waste of a prayer to me.  Either way he's going to get the bone reset and have a rod screwed in.  Unless the ambulance that took him to the hospital was struck by an asteroid his chances of death are zero.
     I realize the church is trying to capture the younger audience and I'm pretty sure I've figured out how they are going to do it.  I bet when you go in for reconciliation now instead of just making you do "Four Hail Marys and an Our Father" for using the lord's name in vain you gotta share a picture one Facebook and tweet your favorite bible verse out.

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