Saturday, April 6, 2013

Does Anyone Care If There Are Gay Football Players?

     All the major media outlets can't stop speculating about the possibility of their being an openly gay player in the NFL. Did I miss the memo about gays being slower than straight people? Is there some correlation between sexual preference and how well you can tackle?  Sure when I say "gay guy" you probably picture a dude wearing eyeliner and a tight pants not a linebacker, but last time I checked, the majority of straight dudes aren't professional athletes either.

     As a future undrafted free agent, I think it's worth reporting teams are asking players about their sexuality.  Also it's pretty entertaining to watch some of the NFL players out themselves as homophobes.  If you were first round talent headed into the draft you'd be crazy not say you were gay.  Workout on your pro day in a rainbow leotard leg warmers and lipstick.  Then say all the girls you dated were beards. You would automatically be drafted first because every team that passed on you would get called homophobes by the media.  There would be rallies at the stadium of every team that passed on you, no team wants that.  Then when you retire you write a tell all book about how you are really straight and you were just taking one for the team.  No matter how shitty your football career is you will get two go abouts on the media circuit.  Hell, they'll probably immortalize you in a 30 for 30 or something too.   

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